It was developed by Rheinmetall in 1933, first issued in 1936.
Some were sent to Spain for field testing in the Civil war (1936-39).
It was also sold in small quantity to Soviet Russia, until 1940.

With newer tanks being produced, the PAK 36 was being outdated.
Over 20000 guns had been issued by the middle of 1941, so to find a way to utilise them, was essential.
As this picture shows, the PAK 36`s life was extended, by providing it with a hollow charge projectile.
This was the 3.7cm Stielgranate 41 (a.k.a 3.7cm Aufsteck Geschoss).
The perfomance of this unit was quite formidable for its day.
It could penetrate 180mm of plate at any range.
Its absolute maximum range was about 800m.

It was extensively copied by other nations, for its sound design.
Its penetrative perfomance was a little dissapointing, but with its easy mobility it more than compensated for any defect the gun might have had.

Some Specifications:
In Service: 1939-45
Designed: 1933
Manufacturer: Rheinmetall
Number Built: 20.000+
Weight: 432kg
Length: 1.66m
Width: 1.65m
Height: 1.17m
Caliber: 3.7cm
Rate Of Fire: 13Rpm
Effective Range: 300m
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