Trip to München may 2009.
Here follows some pictures I took on a trip to München, of various important sites.

Heinrich Hoffman`s (Hitlers personal photographer) Attelier
(Notice the eagle above the doorway entry)

The "Führerbau" in which the Munich agreements where signed on 30th of september 1938.
Which permitted Adolf Hitler to annex Czechoslovakia into the third reich.


"Führerbau" as of 2009 (Notice the piedestal above the entry, where the eagle once stood)

Here follows Pictures of the Odeonsplatz "Feldherrnhalle" on which the failed 1923 putch, to overthrow the Weimar Rebublic took place.
(Attribution: Bundesarchiv, Bild 119-1426 / unknown / CC-BY-SA)

Feldherrnhalle as of 2009

The famous picture of a young jubilant Adolf Hitler on the Odeonsplatz, hearing the news that the first World War has broken out.
(A war in which he later won the iron cross first class, which he proudly wore untill the end of his life.)

The Exact same location as of 2009.
I teach in Munich and have a site featuring those places you mention in your post, comparing them with how they appeared during the nazizeit: